A little bit about Scleroderma Canada.
Scleroderma Canada is a CRA registered national charity serving the Canadian scleroderma community. We are the national advocate for those affected by this rare and difficult disease. Established in 1999, we have worked collaboratively with regional and international organizations to bring health care research, education and clinical care together to ensure those affected by scleroderma have access to the latest advances in care.
By engaging in activities aligned to Scleroderma Canada’s core pillars (Patient Support, Research and Awareness), we will work towards:​
Developing patient education and bring patients together in peer to peer groups
Granting research funding requests and facilitating grant requests for external research funding
Increasing awareness of Scleroderma through out annual campaigns and activities planned across Canada
Scleroderma Canada is committed to promoting public awareness, educating and supporting those affected by Scleroderma, and funding research to find a cure. Until a cure is found, we are devoted to improving the quality of life for those with Scleroderma. While access to medications and services are important, we recognize the importance of actively engaging and shaping policy as it relates to health technologies supporting appropriate use, affordability and accessible care to all Canadians. We value and appreciate the multiple opportunities patient groups are provided to share their input and keeping current policy on issues is a priority.
Our Mission
To advance health care options and enrich the lives of those dealing with scleroderma through boldadvocacy, research, education and counsel.
Our Vision
A world free of scleroderma.
Our Core Values
Integrity in our governance processes
Transparency in our communications
Respect and Compassion for our colleagues and those we serve
Commitment to achieving our vision through Inclusion and Collaboration with others